SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2461722 - Variable Pay - Employee Central History Processor. Partial Import vs Full Import


When running the Employee History Processor for an EC integrated template we can select to do a full import purging all exisiting data and importing everything anew, or to do a partial import and import only changed or new records.


Variable Pay integrated with Employee Central


The EC Processor supports partial imports, it is, in the Import Employee History from Employee Central page, there are three options:


By default, the first two are checked. In our example, last successful run is on March 9th. If we process the Employee History with these settings, the system will check if EC history job/comp/personal/pay component etc. information is changed or not after March 9th.  If EC data is changed for an employee after this date, the job will process his/her history records and compare them with the current history data in Variable Pay.  If data is different, the system will purge the existing data in the variable pay table and import the new data from EC for this employee.  By default, if the employee is in completed form, he will be skipped from processing.


If you uncheck all three options, it means full import.  System will delete all existing EC history records in the variable pay table and will process/import all EC data.


History Processor, partial, full, ECT , KBA , LOD-SF-VRP , Variable Pay Programs , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions