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2462045 - Explorer servers missing on a node post-install of SAP Business Explorer on SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.x


  • After performing Business Explorer Installation on SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform clustered environment, Business Explorer servers are missing on one of the 4 nodes.
  • When trying to re-install, it's ending with below errors.

"06:48:08.662 Error: PropertyUtil::GetPropertyAttributes: Could not resolve scope for id: isfailedpatchlevelcheck
06:49:31.476 Error: PropertyUtil::GetPropertyAttributes: Could not resolve scope for id: isfailedpatchlevelcheck
06:53:48.327 Error: PropertyUtil::GetPropertyAttributes: Could not resolve scope for id: isfailedpatchlevelcheck
ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 0. (FWM 23025)
*#*_*|ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 0. (FWM 23025)|ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 0. (FWM 23025)
ERROR: Default Object fragment from file ServerIntelligence_Install4_QASAPP83_Extensions_Explorer_dfo_frag.xml failed to be applied to object (Name: ; CUID: ). Check assert log for details. (FWB 00075)
ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 0. (FWM 23025)
07:02:30.396 Error: Attempting to read invalid argument: CustomizedDescription. "



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.x
  • SAP Business Explorer


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2


Business Explorer servers missing , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem

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