- After activating SNC (Secure Network Communication) on an application server, IGS (Internet Graphics Server) cannot be started.
- Transaction: SIGS shows error: "Could not Reach IGS".
- SM59 connection test to destination: IGS_RFC_DEST returns "ERROR: SNC disabled to start insecure programs, reject request to start IGS.*".
SNC has been enabled (profile parameter snc/enable=1).
SNC, IGS, SM59, IGS_RFC_DEST, SNC disabled to start insecure programs, reject request to start IGS, Could not Reach IGS, Connection Error, RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE, Connection refused, RFC_INVALID_HANDLE, snc/enable, igs/snc/library, igs/snc/name, snc/permit_insecure_start , KBA , BC-FES-IGS , Internet Graphics Server , BC-SEC-SNC , Secure Network Communications , Problem
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