The aim of this document is to specify the steps that the SAP System Administrator can do to either deploy or undeploy .SDA (Software Deployment Archive), SCA (Software Component Archive), .EAR (Enterprise Archive) or .WAR (Web Archive) files using the SAP Shell Console Admin via the telnet (or the telnet administrator tool).
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server JAVA 7.1 and Higher
sda, sca, war, ear, undeploy, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, Batchdeployer Extramile tool scripts/batchdeployer.bat bootstrap/scripts/batchdeployer.csh -sdu deploy enhancement package, Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3, SRM deployment, undeployment j2ee, how to undeploy SCA, SUM, force mode, JSPM, SDM 7.1, JSPm force mode, application server java issues, P4 port not working ,SDM software deployment manager SAP Production ABAP R/3 ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM hemanth SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Test development QA,723909 nosdm sdm SUM (Software Update Manager) manually prepared directory 1641062 /jspm/deployVersionRule /jspm/forceMode 1824237 add deploy deploy -h NWDS (Netweaver Developer Studio) ANT scripts Batchdeployer Extramile tool filesystem deployment script deployment script JSPM Java Support Package Manager 1123333 1147119 JRfcTests.EAR web_diagtool.SDA DevelopmentComponentLine name vendor , KBA , BC-JAS-DPL , Deployment , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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