You are integrating APO and SNC via PO system. In APO, you are using the transcation /SAPAPO/PROACT_OUT to send Demand data to SNC system.
The report is triggering the XML service ProductActivityNotification_Out, however, this XML is failing in the system.
If you check it in transaction SPROXY, you can see that this service is in "Not Released" status.
- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
- SAP Supply Chain Management Multi-Level Supply & Demand Matching (SCM-APO-SDM)
- SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SCM-ICH)
- SAP SNC Data Inbound / Data Outbound Management (SCM-ICH-DIO)
ProductActivityNotification_Out, ProductActivityNotification_Out not released, PAN_OUT, PAN_OUT not released, XML message not released, not released status. , KBA , SCM-ICH-DIO , Data Inbound / Data Outbound Management , SCM-APO-CA-COP , Collaborative Planning , How To
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