When trying to start the FC data source, it is started with the following error message :
"Data source XXXX started with some errors.
Not all server instances started on machine xxxx.
Failed to initialize structure.
Failed to load one or more objects of type 'Data source'.
Failed to initialize the 'CtCore.CtGenericDataSourceServer.1' processing component which is associated with the CTGY-INDIC data source.
Failed to update the SQL table 'ct_indicators' which is used for data source 'CTGY-INDIC'.
ORA-00054: Ressource belegt und Anforderung mit NOWAIT angegeben oder Timeout abgelaufen
Application server with id <XXXX/YYYY> initialized for data source ZZZZ"
- SAP Financial Consolidation (FC) 10.1
- Oracle
privilége , migration , FC , ORA-00054, identifier, DBA, identifier , KBA , EPM-BFC-PSI-INS , Installation, Upgrade, Migration , Problem
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