This SAP KBA aims to provide a complete list of SAP Notes to be implemented for each report in Localization Chile and clarify questions about use of these reports. We intend to maintain this SAP KBA updated with new SAP Notes and other future changes regarding each program. The supported reports of Localization Chile are listed in the topics below, and they are designed for different general resolutions from SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos, national tax authority from Chile). We also invite you to check out the SAP KBA Note 2525257, in order to keep updated on overall Localization Latin America topics and solutions.
A - J_CL_BALANCE_SHEET - Balance Sheet for Tax Purposes
B - RFCLLIB00 - Cash Journal
C - RFCLLIB01 - Journal
D - RFCLLIB02 - General Ledger
Z - Replaced/Unsupported reports
SII's website:
LAST UPDATE: 15.08.2024
LATEST CHANGE: added topic A3.3
Chile, chili, chileno, chilenos, chilean, chileans, programa, reporte, reportes, programas, relatórios, sii, mayor, ledger, ledge, book, books, J_CLBALTAX, overview, how-to scenarios, Cash Ledger, Cash Journal, General Ledger, Journal Ledger, J_CLBS, J_CLBALTAX, S_ALR_87099950, S_ERO_11000104, S_ER9_11000120, S_ALR_87099949, S_ALR_87099948, S_ER9_11000121, S_ALR_87099946, S_ALR_87099947 , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-CL-REP , Reporting , XX-CSC-CL-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-CL-REP , How To
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