There are errors in the job log for CCMS_BI_SETUP during the automatic activities "Activate BW Content for RCA" or "BW Content Activation (UPL)"
ERROR: errors while content activation occured
ERROR: InfoObject 0HDB_MAXDUR (or ref.) used in InfoProvider with data managmnt.-> Error:
ERROR: InfoObject 0HDB_MAXDUR: Aggregation was changed from SUM to MAX
ERROR: InfoObject 0HDB_MAXDUR being used in InfoCube 0HDB_C19H (contains data)
ERROR: InfoObject 0HDB_MAXDUR being used in InfoCube 0HDB_C20H (contains data)
SAP Solution Manager 7.1, SP15
SOLMAN, BW Content Activation has not been successfully executed, HANA, Savepoint Statistics, 0HDB_C20H, 0HDB_C20D, 0HDB_C20M, 0HDB_MP20, 0HDB_C19H, 0HDB_C19D, 0HDB_C19M, 0HDB_MP19, Wrong Aggregation, Max Durations, Thread Samples Overview , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-REP , Content for Technical Monitoring Reporting , SV-SMG-DIA-APP-WA , Workload Analysis , Problem
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