A transaction fails with the message error stack trace:
Non-Fatal at s_phashn.cxx:106 call s_phashException::s_phashException
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018
===== Thread Number 140094791669504 (IQ connID: 0002130018) =====
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56abc4c2 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x32
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56abcb31 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56abe283 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x313
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a5735e672 s_phashException::s_phashException(char const*, int, int, int, int, unsigned int)+0x72
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a57506f01 s_phash::ChangeAccess(s_HashAccessPattern, s_HashAccessMode)+0xb7
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56533f9d dfjo_Hash::FetchOpus()+0x9d
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56534b42 dfjo_Hash::Fetch_T2_IntoHash()+0x4b2
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a5652ea63 dfjo_Hash::FirstFetch()+0x2e3
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56533f2c dfjo_Hash::FetchOpus()+0x2c
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56534b42 dfjo_Hash::Fetch_T2_IntoHash()+0x4b2
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565238ed dfjo_Hash::SourcePreFetch()+0x18d
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565b1d10 dfo_Join::SourcePreFetch()+0x40
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565586a8 dfo::SourcePreFetch()+0x78
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56584fb4 dfo_Combiner::SourcePreFetch()+0xc4
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56586a45 dfo_Combiner::FetchOpus()+0x335
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56534b42 dfjo_Hash::Fetch_T2_IntoHash()+0x4b2
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565238ed dfjo_Hash::SourcePreFetch()+0x18d
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565b1d10 dfo_Join::SourcePreFetch()+0x40
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565586a8 dfo::SourcePreFetch()+0x78
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56647189 dfo_cOrderByParaIn::PrefetchAndSort()+0x1d9
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a5663a97d dfo_cOrderBy::SourcePreFetch()+0x6d
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a565586a8 dfo::SourcePreFetch()+0x78
I. 04/24 09:48:50. 0002130018 pc: 0x7f6a56584fb4 dfo_Combiner::SourcePreFetch()+0xc4
- SAP IQ 16 SP08
- SAP IQ 16 SP11
- Linuxd RHEL 7.1
s_phashException::s_phashException, s_phash::ChangeAccess, CR795691, CR#795691, 795691, CR812714, CR#812714, 812714 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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