- Replication Server (RS) 15.6 or earlier releases
- All RS users' password are encrypted.
- A Check of rs_users shows the 'use_enc_password' flag is enabled.
- Unable to connect to the RS by logging with any of the RS users, receives the following error messages and RS is in a hung state:
- ERROR #150 USER( ) - /csi_rsa.c(197)
CSI call to routine 'sybcsi_keypair_create' failed. - ERROR #60038 USER(brsdba) - xec/exec.c(1319)
Failed to create dynamic synchronization element 'EXEC_INFO_brsdba_0x3bdf890_MUTEX'. Info 25
- ERROR #60021 USER( ) - i_thread.c(160)
Open Server failed to create the 'csimutex02009963' mutex. (160)/view/rsebf1560_build_vu//ccview/rsebf1560_build_vu/calm/repl/svr/code/generic/encrypt/csi_thread.c.
Open Server error: Error: 16382, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'The configured maximum number of mutexes have already been created.'.
- ERROR #60021 USER( ) - ful/sync.c(1473)
Open Server failed to create the 'Executor brsdba TSD CV 0x3aae120' mutex. (1473)/view/rsebf1560_build_vu//ccview/rsebf1560_build_vu/calm/repl/svr/code/generic/useful/sync.c.
Open Server error: Error: 16382, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'The configured maximum number of mutexes have already been created.'.
Sybase Replication Server (RS) 15.6 or earlier releases
Sybase Replication Server 15.6
ERROR #60038, mutexes, password encription, rs_users, use_enc_password, CR 725172, 725172 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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