- A streaming project is showing unexpected high memory utilization (e.g. 99+ GB reserved RAM).
- The project continues to allocate more memory at a rate of 80 MB in swap per 10 minutes => ~0.5 GB per hour.
- When no more memory can be allocated, in approximately 4 days, the project gets restarted to clear the memory.
- From analyzing the project's memory statistics, it appears that the increase is not related to GD stores and dictionaries held in the project.
- How to determine what is causing the high memory utilization of the project?
- SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1
- SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming
- SAP HANA Streaming Analytics
SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1 ; SAP HANA 1.0 smart data streaming ; SAP HANA streaming analytics 2.0
streaming, processing,esp , KBA , BC-SYB-ESP , Sybase ESP (Event Stream Processor) , HAN-SDS , SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming , Problem
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