During the process of sending data between SAP Hybris Platform and Datahub (Backoffice menu: SAP Integration-> SAP Administration Configuration)
- Following message is displayed when backoffice is opened.
- The following exception appears in the hybris logs:
NFO | jvm 1 | main | 2017/04/28 16:01:25.671 | [m[33mWARN [hybrisHTTP22] [IP] [DataHubStatusClient] Data Hub @ http://<YOUR_HOST>:<PORT>/datahub-webapp/v1 is not running because: Connection refused (Connection refused)
INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2017/04/28 16:01:25.671 | [m[1;31mERROR [hybrisHTTP22] [IP] [DatahubSelectorController] No DataHub instances configured. The DataHub perspective will not be functional until you configure at least a single DataHub server.
- The configuration upload is processing and never finish.
Datahub Data Hub DatahubSelectorController instances No DataHub instances configured Backoffice Cockpit ConnectException DataHubStatusClient server System Types SAP Integration Integration SAP Administration Configuration Administration Configuration localhost , KBA , CEC-SCC-INT-HUB , Data Hub , How To
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