- While running system update using SPAM/SAINT, during step "Execution of programs after import" (XPRA) the following error was reported:
- In error details one can find similar error message:
Undeploy of HANA Delivery Unit HCO_ERP_SAPPL_PPH_V01
activation failed in undeploy delivery_unit but the DU does not contain broken objects, so only regenerated objects are broken now
severity 2, retcode 8000017, location , timestamp ......
Undeploy of HANA Delivery Unit HCO_ERP_SAPPL_PPH_V01 failed
Repository: Package is not empty (contains development objects);,Could not delete package 'sap.erp.sappl.pph.v01.mrp.scheduling':
40133: Repository: Package is not empty (contains developmentobjects);
Delivery unit and package name can differ.
- SAP Netweaver independent.
Method Execution, SPAM, SAINT, import, Undeploy of HANA Delivery Unit, failed, Repository: delivery unit not empty, there are packages referencing this delivery unit; deletion of deliveryUnit, vendor 'SAP AG' failed! ,Failed to delete delivery unit, Errors occurred during post-handling SNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT_IMPORT for NHDU L, SNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT_IMPORT belongs to package SNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT_PROXY, SNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT105, SNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT025, SQSC_AUNIT_LIFECYCLE, XVIEW_LIFE_CYCLE. Repository: Package is not empty , KBA , BC-CTS-HTC , Hana Transport Container (ABAP) , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem
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