Potential problems when transporting into a running system include (but are not limited to):
- Deadlocks involving REPOSRC.
- Repeated remote generation of the same program results in WP/resource deadlocks. Many WPs may be showing <RPC(GENERATE ABAP (CLI WP nn))> in the Program field.
- ABAP short dumps due to programs being modified that are required by currently running programs. (For example, various LOAD_*MISMATCH dumps.)
SAP Netweaver release independent.
SAP NetWeaver all versions
sql error -911 performing UPD, ORA-00060, SAINT, SPAM, STMS, REPOLOAD, RPC, GENERATE ABAP, LOAD_TYPE_VERSION_MISMATCH , KBA , BC-CTS , Change and Transport System , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , How To
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