In "System Entry Properties" screen from SAP Logon, when selecting Connection Type: "Group/Server Selection", below error message is displayed:
Group/server does not exist, select another one
or just
Error: service '<messageserver>' unknown
<messageserver> being the name of the Message Server.
Also, another message may appear as well:
"Error: hostname '<messageserver>' unknown"
In the meanwhile, when log on to SAP system (double click on SAP system) from SAP Logon, below error message is displayed:
Logon balancing error 88: Cannot connect to message server (rc=9)
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
' unknown" when selecting "Group/Server Selection" in SAP Logon"> Read more...
SAPGUI release independent
SAP GUI for Windows, SAPGUI, SAP GUI window, Logon balancing error 88, logon balancing error, Cannot connect to message server, Group/server does not exist, service unknown, services, Error:service'?'unknown, host unknown, host name unknown, host unknown, error:, group error, server error, group server connection, group/server connection. , KBA , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-CST-LG , Logon group based load balancing , Problem
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