During the installation of SAP system on DB2 for LUW, SQL2044N (RC = 1) error happens in IMPORT ABAP phase.
Package import log gives:
(DB6) INFO: Virtual Table DM02L has been successfully converted ( ignore SQL0150N )
(DB6) Using LOAD API for table <table_name>
(DB6) [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/SUNX8664] SQL2044N An error occurred while accessing a message queue. Reason code: "1".
Could not deactivate CLI LOAD.
(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2
(DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
IBM DB2 on Solaris or HP-UX operation system
SQL2044N, reason code 1, message queue, , KBA , installation , message queue , sql2044n , BC-DB-DB6-INS , Installation SAP System , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , How To
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