SAP Logon can not be started correctly, instead you get below error messages
- SAP Logon cannot be started correctly.
Error when loading local configuration files:
Tree structure files ..\SapLogonTree.xml cannot be parsed. - Cannot initialize context management library
- Failed to load administrator rule file. Check your installation.
Or you can see below error in installation log files.
Component $MSXML... is in error, It has not been successfully installed.
SAP GUI for Windows
MSXML, SAP Logon, SAP Logon cannot be started correctly, Error when loading local configuration files, SapLogonTree.xml cannot be parsed, Cannot initialize context management library,Failed to load administrator rule file, Check your installation, Component $MSMXL... in error, It has not been successfully installed , KBA , BC-FES-CTL , SAP GUI for Windows Controls , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-FES-INS , Frontend Installation , Problem
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