You post GI on components and set the finial issued flag in your ECC system for a production or a process order. You expect that the reservations for that component get cleared (set to 0). This is happening in your ECC system but in APO the reservation remains with the same qty.
If you resend the production or process order from your ECC system via report RCIFORDT / delta report or a change transfer again to APO then the reservation is adjusted as you expect it.
ECC System with a connected SCM APO System.
You are using own customer ATP categories in APO for the production orders.
/SAPAPO/ATP03, reservation , reduction, backflush, MIGO, 261, CO11n, reduction , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-PPS , PP-DS / Production and Process Order , SCM-APO-INT-PPS-GI , Goods Receipt to Production/Process Orders , Problem
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