- SUM upgrade to SAP NetWeaver 7.5x fails with the following error in the downtime phase MAIN_SWITCH/PARMVNT_VIEW.
- This is seen on systems running ASE 160 SP02 PL06 and PL07 - with latest SUM release
Checks after phase MAIN_SWITCH/PARMVNT_VIEW were negative!
Last error code set:
1 error(s) during parallel execution of processes, check 'PARMVNTVIEW.ELG' for details
2 processes failed, check 'PARMVNTVIEW_PROCS.*' for details
Further process starts blocked due to failed ones
Detected the following errors:
# G:\SUM\abap\log\PD000618_PARMVNT_VIEW.D3L:
3 ETP000 T" = ' ' ) )
3 ETP000 >>>>>>>>> DIPGNTAB END_FULLROWS <<<<<<<<<
3 ETP000
2WETP000 20:02:36: Retcode 512: error in DDL statement for "SDDLX_MDATA_QRY " - repea
2WETP000 t
2EETP345 20:02:49: Retcode 512: SQL-error "2812-[ASE Error SQL2812][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver][Adaptive
2EETP345 Server Enterprise]Stored procedure 'DDLX_MDATA_QUERY_1148240185' not found. Specify owner.
2EETP345 objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of
2EETP345 output).
2EETP345 " in DDL statement for "SDDLX_MDATA_QRY "
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2EETP334 20:02:49: error in DDL, nametab for "SDDLX_MDATA_QRY" not activated
- The error is seen mainly on following views - SDDLX_MDATA_QRY, DEMO_CHESS_SST13
- Base GTTs : DDLX_MDATA_QUERY, DEMO_CHESS_STP12 - may or may not exist on the database (when checked via sp_help in isql)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP02 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5x
- SUM 2.0
DDLX_MDATA_QUERY, ASE Error SQL2812, Nametab SDDLX_MDATA_QRY, Retcode 512, 2812, MAIN_SWITCH/PARMVNT_VIEW, SUM, DEMO_CHESS , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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