Phase MAIN_SHDRUN/PARDIST_SHD stopped with error during system update/upgrade with SUM on a unicode system. The error message in the phase log file "PARDSHD.ELG" or "PARDISTSHD.ELG" is like below.
4 EDA507 -> "M_MAT1" - - - "SAPTDI602PJ2_18_2208" "11:37:33" "09.04.2017" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 EDA424 "Unidentifiable object" "M_MAT1" with deletion request (mode flag "D")
4 EDA431 A table called "M_MAT1" exists in the database
2EEDA300 No active nametab exists for "M_MAT1"
2EEDA432 Termination due to inconsistencies
2EEDA471 Result "M_MAT1": Action: "DNA" Mode flag: "R" Return code: "9"
The table M_MAT1 here is just an example.
Note: As of SUM 2.0 SP 13, the phase name should be "MAIN_SHDRUN/PARDIST_ORIG". And the error log file is "PARDIST_ORIG.ELG".
OS/DB independent.
No active nametab exists for, PARDIST_SHD, SUM , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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