You use SAP Solution Manager and want to use work mode specific settings for the Alerting of System Monitoring scenario. After reading this documentation, you will be able to:
- Suppress the notifications for a specific object when a given work mode is in process (i.e., you do not want to receive availability alerts when a system is under a Planned Downtime work mode)
- Send the notification to other recipients when a certain work mode is active (i.e., send the notifications who someone in charge of the system administration during a maintenance stage)
- Set up specific behaviours of the notifications when a work mode is scheduled (i.e., advance notifications settings during the business peak hours for a given object)
* These features and others can be configured at alert, managed object, template and global level.
** This procedure also applies to other scenarios such as PI Monitoring.
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
#SOLMAN, IT Calendar, Alert Inbox, Technical Monitoring, Application Operations, work mode management, handle , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-ALR-CFG , Alert / Metric Configuration , SV-SMG-ADM-DTM , Downtime / Work Mode Management , SV-SMG-MON-IPO-PI , PI Monitoring , How To
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