SPAM/SAINT stopps in 'CP_ADD_TO_BUFFER' because TCI cannot be disassembled
action log example:
Import phase 'CP_ADD_TO_BUFFER' (26.04.2017, 12:50:06)
Disassembling OCS package SAPK750004CPSAPUI
Could not determine EPS parcel for OCS Package SAPK750004CPSAPUI
Error when disassembling EPS parcel of OCS package SAPK750004CPSAPUI: 'CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL'
Interrupting import due to an error situation (26.04.2017, 12:50:06)
Displaying detailed information about error in phase 'CP_ADD_TO_BUFFER'
Import canceled due to an error situation (26.04.2017, 13:07:33)
SPAM/SAINT looks as follows:
- TCI (transport-based correction instruction) is part of the import queue
SPAM, SAINT, TCI, PAT, missing , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-NA , Note Assistant , Problem
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