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2468838 - Activation Errors for UMG* / UM4* objects during Upgrades


You are facing the following errors during ACT_UPG / ACT_TRANS phase in SUM procedure:

3 EDT012XActivate table "UMGANSUM"
2WEDT192 Enhancement category for table missing
2WEDT193 Enhancement category for include or subtype missing
1EEDT242 Field "ROWCNT": Component type or domain used not active or does not exist
1EEDT005 Nametab for table "UMGANSUM" cannot be generated
3 EDT013 Table "UMGANSUM" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "UMGANSUM" could not be activated


3 EDT012XActivate table "UMGHEBCAT6"
2WEDT192 Enhancement category for table missing
2WEDT193 Enhancement category for include or subtype missing
1EEDT242 Field "CNTHEB": Component type or domain used not active or does not exist
1EEDT242 Field "CNTTOTAL": Component type or domain used not active or does not exist
1EEDT005 Nametab for table "UMGHEBCAT6" cannot be generated
3 EDT013 Table "UMGHEBCAT6" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "UMGHEBCAT6" could not be activated

OR any related error for an UM4* object, for example:

3 EDO301XActivate data element "UM4ASCROWS"
1EEDO315 No active domain "UM4ONUM16" available
3 EDO303 Data element "UM4ASCROWS" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Data Element" "UM4ASCROWS" could not be activated



  • Upgrade with load-based procedure in SUM


hebrew bidi migration, cu&uc, combined upgrade, unicode conversion, ACT_UPG, ACT_TRANS, ignore, accept non-severe errors , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-I18-UNI , Unicode , BC-I18-BID , BiDi , Problem

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