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2468973 - Error logs for Software Component EAAPPLH running task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT


  • You are trying to execute task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT in STC01 transaction and some error logs occur :
    Object type , node , request , field NAME1  - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 084  
    Key of request field is not fully specified - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 053  
    Navigation path FA163EAA1C9C1EE5919871DD4B153777 - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 138  
    Could not resolve GUID FA163EDF73161EE582BAC10824E2E284 (node) - maybe SNOTE report missing - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_RP2 531  
    Navigation path FA163EAA1C9C1EE5919871DD4B153777 -  ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 138  
    Could not resolve GUID FA163EAA1C9C1EE5868880E250A15D97 (node) - maybe SNOTE report missing - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_RP2 531  
    Navigation path FA163EAA1C9C1EE5919871DD4B153777 - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 138  
    Could not resolve GUID FA163EAA1C9C1EE5868881A1792F1D97 (relation) - maybe SNOTE report missing - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_RP2 531  
    Navigation path FA163EAA1C9C1EE5919871DD4B153777,- ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 138  
    Could not resolve GUID FA163EAA1C9C1EE5868880E250A15D97 (node) - maybe SNOTE report missing - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_RP2 531  
    Navigation path FA163EAA1C9C1EE5919871DD4B153777 - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 138  
    Could not resolve GUID FA163EAA1C9C1EE58688875B92279D99 (relation) - maybe SNOTE report missing - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_RP2 531  
    Object type NAME1, node , request , attribute group  - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 886  
    Key of assignment of field to attribute group is not fully specified - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 888  
    Object type , node , request NAME1, request field does not exist - ESH_OM_OBJ_MODEL_REP 728  
    Consistence check of SW Comp. EAAPPLH was unsuccessful (note 1874091)



  • SAP_BASIS release 740, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756


EAAPPLH, SAPAPPLH, SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC, Task list, ESH_IEF_MSG 081. , KBA , error while reading the model for the ob , reading the model for the object type , BC-EIM-ESH , NetWeaver Enterprise Search , Problem

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