Need to link Marital status feild in Personal Information portlet & Dependents Information portlet for validation purpose.
SAP SuccessFactors ,Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
For Organization internal validation purpose, need to link marital status field with dependent information portlet such that employee marital status is "married" then dependent information should be mandatory.
Currenlty we will not be able to write a rule linking dependent portlet and personal information portlet and this is an expected behaviour
Please raise a enhancement request via customer community portal.
Suggested workaround :
Configure a rule to Marital status field such that you can raise a message .
If Marital status is equal to married
Raise message "kindly fill in dependent details"
Base Object : Employement information Model
Rule type : OnSave
Marital status Dependents Information portlet , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-DPD , Dependents Management , Problem