The business needs to plan the production in APO. Additionally there is a requirement to use parallel/alternative resources as well as engineering change management. It is supposed to be used within the Supply Network Planning (SNP) as well. In R/3 the applied master data setup works as expected. When integrating the same master data as SNP PDS (Product Data Structures) to SCM the parallel/alternative resources are not visible within the PDS and the result looks differently.
Another possibility is that the queues stop with status SYSFAIL and show errors regarding activity relationships or that parallel or alternative sequences are not supported.
ERP System (release independent)
SCM System (release independent)
SNP, PDS, ECM, engineering change management, alternative, parallel, routing, recipe, operation, mode, sequence, integration, product data structure, supply network planning , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-MD-PDS , Production Data Structure , SCM-APO-INT , Interfaces , SCM-APO-MD-PDS , Production Data Structure , How To
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