In some situations, it could be necessary to reset the second truncation point for the Replication Agent for Oracle because :
- The second truncation point is too old, and no more pointing to an active part of the Oracle REDO/ARCHIVE LOG.
- Oracle REDO/ARCHIVE LOG were deleted, so RAO cannot start anymore.
- The RAO was inactive too long, and now it take hours to start because it have a large size of Oracle REDO/ARCHIVE LOG to scan.
- RAO failed to scan some new type of record in the Oracle REDO/ARCHIVE LOG.
SAP Replication Server Option (RSO) for Oracle 15.7.1
SAP Replication Server 15.7 ; SAP Sybase Replication Server 15.7, option for Oracle
RAO, "Replication Agent", Oracle, SCN, "trunc point" , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-RSO , Rep Server Options (RSO) , How To
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