This SAP KBA aims to provide a complete list of SAP Notes to be implemented for Argentina's Cash Discount solution and clarify questions about the use and customizing of it.
Notice that there are SAP Notes of Cash Discount functionality in the Argentina's Electronic Invoice solution. Check the SAP Notes of Cash Discount of each AFIP AEI in the SAP KBA 2370680 for Electronic Invoice RG2485 and in the SAP KBA 2370724 for Electronic Invoice RG2904.
We intend to maintain this SAP KBA updated with new SAP Notes and other future changes regarding this topic, based in the general resolutions from AFIP (national tax authority from Argentina). We also invite you to check out the SAP Note 2525257, in order to keep updated on overall Localization Latin America topics and solutions.
LAST UPDATE: 18.06.2024
LAST CHANGE: reading flow and added SAP Notes
cash discount, cach discount, cash discont, programa, programas, software, argent, argentinos, argentinas, spanish, español. , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-AR , Argentina , How To
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