The SAP Companion for desktop (Formerly Desktop Assistant) window can display the related help contents despite the exact match that is recorded for the original environment where the recording took place. In order to do this, Page keys must be neutralized so that the exact system, exact user, exact transaction number, etc. is not required for a match. You desire to know how this is done.
SAP Companion for desktop
CMP, Companion, Page key, Desktop Assistant, can not display, Replace Page Key Attributes, different SAP system, client, regular expression, SAP: title, SAP: program, WINDOWS: text, , KBA , KM-SEN-NAV , SAP Enable Now - SAP Companion Desktop Assistent (Navigator) , KM-SEN-PRO , SAP Enable Now - Producer , KM-SEN-MGR , SAP Enable Now - Manager , How To
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