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2470090 - Not able to create Import Job in ImportCockpit


On hybris 6.1 and 6.2,  there is an issue with the importcockpit when it is added to the localextensions.xml file after initialization. After clicking on "Create New Import Job" , it is taking to search Import Job screen.

See the following error on the hAC:
Error creating sample data for importcockpit. See console output.

And on console:
ERROR [hybrisHTTP39] [Initialization] de.hybris.platform.cockpit.systemsetup.CockpitImportConfigException: Invalid UID (importcockpitgroup) within configuration file name: ../resources/importcockpit-config/advancedSearch_ImportCockpitCronJob.xml

The behavior you will notice:
1. can't login as importmanager
2. can login as admin but when clicking on "Create a new import job" you see the wrong editor (on attached screenshot you see what is on the left instead of what is on the right)




hybris Commerce Suite 6.1 & 6.2


SAP Hybris Commerce 6.1 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.2


importcockpit, import job, hybris, importmanager, importCockpit login , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-CKP-APP , Applications , Problem

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