On hybris 6.1 and 6.2, there is an issue with the importcockpit when it is added to the localextensions.xml file after initialization. After clicking on "Create New Import Job" , it is taking to search Import Job screen.
See the following error on the hAC:
Error creating sample data for importcockpit. See console output.
And on console:
ERROR [hybrisHTTP39] [Initialization] de.hybris.platform.cockpit.systemsetup.CockpitImportConfigException: Invalid UID (importcockpitgroup) within configuration file name: ../resources/importcockpit-config/advancedSearch_ImportCockpitCronJob.xml
The behavior you will notice:
1. can't login as importmanager
2. can login as admin but when clicking on "Create a new import job" you see the wrong editor (on attached screenshot you see what is on the left instead of what is on the right)
hybris Commerce Suite 6.1 & 6.2
importcockpit, import job, hybris, importmanager, importCockpit login , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-CKP-APP , Applications , Problem
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