- When RepAgent is configured with Multiple Paths Replication and verbose LTL traces are active through Repagent traces, then signal 11 with a stack trace may be reported.
- We can notice the module ra__sender_ltl_cmds.
- In the Replication server log we can see as below and the DSI goes down
ERROR #13045 DSI(155 XXXX_XXX.a2query_history) - seful/cm.c(5236)
Failed to connect to server 'XXXXX_XXX' as user 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'. See CT-Lib and/or server error messages for more information.
I. 2017/04/30 12:50:26. Trying to connect to server 'XXXXXX' as user 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' ...... - At the sametime, we will also see the signal 11 error in the ASE errorlog
The function call may be ra__sender_ltl_cmds
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- Replication Server/15.7.1/EBF 21867 SP120
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Replication Server 15.7
CR#755424, 755424, multipath, Repagent, #13045, #1027, ra__sender_ltl_cmds , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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