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2471480 - IBP Excel Add-In - Unable to connect to the remote server


Whenever someone tries to connect to their Connection using IBP Excel Add-In, the following error popup is thrown:

Framework message:
Unable to connect to the remote server

There was no endpoint listening at https://<SERVER>/sap/sop/sopfnd/services/addin/excel/appsets/?level=0 that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Unable to connect to remote server.

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond <IP>


The connected call did not respond correctly after a certain period of time, so the connection could not be established. Alternatively, the connected host did not respond, causing the established connection to fail.



  • SAP Supply & Operations Planning (SCM-SOP)
  • SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)


SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions


error, ibp, excel, addin, connection, failed, system, down, fail, server, unable, connected call , KBA , SCM-IBP-XLS , Excel Client , SCM-IBP-XLS-UI , SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft Excel (User Interface) , Problem

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