The by SAP delivered Cost Center Types:
- 10 Production
- 20 Sales
- 30 Administration
- 40 Management
- 50 Research & Develop.
are the basis for many country-specific Accounting Content also provided by SAP, e.g. Functional Area Determination for the country specific Accounting Principles etc.
Whenever these cost center type entries are deleted in a customer system, this can lead to issues when new country content gets delivered as for a pre-localized country or a new country is scoped in the system.
Hence, even though these by SAP delivered Cost Center Types (10 to 50) can be removed in the BC activity Cost Center Types, it is not recommended to do so.
KBA , cost center types , a1s_fin_cctypes_/mom/c_cctype , a1s_fin_funcadetfiac_fdcostctr , cost center , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To
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