- You are indexing USER_AUTHORITY object type in ESH_COCKPIT or executing task list SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC in STC01 transaction using TREX server as search engine. It fails with errors :
Error Messages (7)
Could not rename index ESH:ABC100~ABC100~ESH_CATEGORY%%D9632530
TREX call terminated with TREX engine error. Error code: 1
Error message: message not found;location=ppur-trsapa01:30003,index=esh:abc100~abc100~esh_category%%d9632530
Authorization indexing unsuccessful for object type USER_AUTHORITY - In the TREXIndexServer trace file the following messages are shown:
[4972] e TrexStore UdivListMgr.cpp(00303) : can't open jobstore for esh:abc100~abc100~esh_category~%d9632530en rc=-1
[4972] e TrexStore UdivListMgr.cpp(01295) : can't load udivlist for esh:abc100~abc100~esh_category~%d9632530en rc=-1
[4972] e Trex_SE bartho.cpp(10364) : can't get validUdivs for esh:abc100~sabc100~esh_category~%d9632530en rc=-1
[4972] e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(13451) : preload esh:abc100~abc100~esh_category~%d9632530 failed rc=-1
- SAP_BASIS release independent.
- TREX server 710
- Operating System Windows
Renaming, ESH_COCKPIT, USER_AUTHORITY, Search Connectors, Authorization indexing unsuccessful, ESH_CATEGORY%%D9632530, esh_category~%d9632530, TREX_EXT_RENAME_INDEX , KBA , BC-EIM-ESH , NetWeaver Enterprise Search , BC-TRX , TREX , Problem
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