You have maintained the settings for calcuclting the duration of your Status changes.
Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Settings for Service Requests -> Define Settings for Durations
In the date profile, your duration was defined with Reference Object = SERWI (Service Profile). When the duration is calculated, factory calendar or working hours are not taken into account.
Example: Service profile is having a daily periodic available time of 11:30 am to 17:00 pm . When a service request is created and you want to track the working hours, the unavailable time is also conisdered in the working hours duration, if the request status relavent for work duration is changed.
- Service request created at 11:16 hours .
- Service request approved at 11:18:hours relevent for workduration.
- Service request completed at 11:34 hours relevent for workduration.
Here the total duration is 18 minutes where as the work duration is tracked as 16 minutes because the available time is from 11:30 hours as per service profile, the expectation is that the work duration was 4 minutes.
System didn't take into account the working hours defined in the service profile.
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
Settings for Durations, service profile, working hours, factory calendar , KBA , CRM-BTX-SRQ , Service Request , CRM-BTX-SRQ-BF , Basic functions , How To
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