SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2473009 - PP3 - Rehire Application Error returns while navigating from Identity to Personal when there is an onInit rule for global info


In an rehire scenario, you recieve an application error when navigating from the Identity to the Personal Information tab.

Reproducing the Issue

 1. Terminate any user ex: Direct Report56 with past date.
 2. Rehire inactive employee page and select above user to Rehire (you can use any hire/rehire wizard for this step)
 3. Confirm that Rehire page opens.
 4. Enter Event Reason and click on Continue in Identity section and observe the error.
    Issue: Application Error returns and dismissing error dialog, unable to continue.


This is cause by an "always true" business rule on global information.


Engineering are working on a permeant fix for this issue in the b1708 release.

The current workaround is to add an "if" condition to the rule to stop it from triggering in the rehire scenario.
For example, Job Information. Event Reason. Event is not equal to Rehire. 

See Also



Epplication error rehire identity   , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-EC-LOC , Localization & Country Specifics (EC Core) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions