The following symptoms appear on system:
- In ST22 show RAISE_EXCEPTION dumps on transaction with CONNECT_TO_ENQ_SERVER_FAILED exception.
- In SM21 the entries can be observed as
<TIME> <instance name> DIA <WP> 000 <USER> GI 0 Error calling the central lock handler <TIME> <instance name> DIA <WP> 000 <USER> GI 4 > Dequeue All call failed |
- When checking in related work process trace files (dev_w*) , the entries can be seen as
E *** ERROR => EnsaCliDoRequest: DoRequest failed (rc=107): 436 bytes on con. 0 in layer 0 (EncCli) (1/0) [ensacli.c 406] E *** ERROR => ENSA_Connect(): AlHARegisterComponent() failed with error 254 [ensaclnt.c 1100] E *** ERROR => EncCliIConnect: failed to connect to enqueue server at <instance name where ENQ is running> through layer EncCli (rc=-3) [enccli.c 1084] E *** ERROR => EncCliReq: failed to connect to server [enccli.c 507] OR
OR M *** ERROR => SecuSSL_SessionStartNB(): incomplete SSL handshake [ssslsecu.c 4955] E *** WARNING => EncCliIConnect: protocol error when connecting to enqueue server at <instance name where ENQ is running> through layer EncCli (rc=-3) [enccli.c 1076] E *** WARNING => EncCliIConnect: check the configuration of the enqueue server [enccli.c 1078] E *** WARNING => EncCliReq: failed to connect to server (see SAP note 1943531) [enccli.c 507]
- It can happen to entire system or few affected instances.
SAP NetWeaver release independent.
SM12 ,rdisp/wp_no_enq ,enque/serverhost ,enque/process_location , GI 0 ,Error calling the central lock handler , GI 4 , Dequeue All call failed , EnsaCliDoRequest: DoRequest failed , (EncCli) (1/0) , ENSA_Connect(): AlHARegisterComponent() failed with error 254 , EncCliIConnect: failed to connect to enqueue server , EncCli (rc=-3) , EncCliReq: failed to connect to server , EnsaCliDoRequest: DoRequest failed (rc=107) , Classical integrated enque server , SAP Netweaver, dialog instance, enque server , profile ,Lock management operation mode , Internal lock management in same work process , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem
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