Your upgrade with Software Update Manager (SUM) fails in a SHADOW phase due to a missing database table.
Depending on the database, the error could be:
Short Text
Table is unknown or does not exist.
what happened?
Error in the ABAP application program.
The current ABAP program "<program name>" had to be terminated
because it found a statement that could not be executed.
Error analysis
In an SAP Open SQL statement, a table is specified that either does not exist on the database,
or that is not known to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
This is table "<table name>", or another table which the statement wants to
access. The database has returned SQL code "SQL code: -204" with the error text
"SQL message: SQL0204N "SAPSR3SHD.<table name>" is an undefined name.
In an SAP Open SQL statement, a table is specified that either does not exist on the database,
or that is not known to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
This is table "<table name>", or another table which the statement wants to
access. The database has returned SQL code "SQL code: 942" with the error text
"SQL message: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist".
In an SAP Open SQL statement, a table is specified that either does not exist on the database,
or that is not known to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
This is table "<table name>", or another table which the statement wants to
access. The database has returned SQL code "SQL code: 259" with the error text
"SQL message: invalid table name: Could not find table/view <table name> in schema <shadow instance DB schema>: line <xx> col <yy> (at pos <zz>)".
Or the shadow instance cannot be started or accessed (logon via RFC) due to a missing customer table/view in the schema of the shadow instance.
By checking the work trace files (dev_w*) of the shadow instance, you can locate the following information.
A ABAP Program <Z program> .
A Source <Z program source> Line <nn>.
A Module $Id: //bas/754_STACK/src/krn/dbi/dbsql/dbdbslstatement.cpp#2 $ SAP.
A Function DbDbslStatement::handleDbslRc Line 5180.
A P1: <z table/view name>
A P2: SQL code: 259
A P3: SQL message: invalid table name: Could not find table/view <z table/view name> in schema <schema name>: line 1 col 194 (at pos 193)
A P4: SQL dbsl rc: 103
- Software Update Manager
- running on a shadow phase
shadow, table, missing, unknown, fehlt, XPRA, SQL0204N, ORA-00904, ORA-00942, /UR4/, /UR4/REFAC_CO, namespace, Namensraum, RSUPG_WRP_REGEN_SAPALL, JOB_RSUPG_WRP_SHD2, DBSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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