Executing java application outputs error message:
JZ0SG: A CallableStatement did not return as many output parameters as the application had registered for it.
- SAP Sybase Software Developer Kit (SDK) 15.5
- SAP Sybase Software Developer Kit (SDK) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Software Developer Kit (SDK) 16.0
- jConnect
- JDBC 5.5
- JDBC 6.0
- JDBC 6.0.5
- JDBC 7.0
- JDBC 7.07
- JDBC 16 ( is version JDBC 7.07 )
- java
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise SDK 16.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5 ; Sybase SDK 12.5 ; Sybase SDK 15.0 ; Sybase SDK 15.5 ; Sybase SDK 15.7 ; Sybase Software Developer Kit 15.7
stored procedure, stored proc, proc, sp, error, failed, application, test, incorrect, invalid, param, params, in, out, reg, , KBA , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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