Oracle Alert_<SID>.log shows error ORA-12751:
Errors in file <mmon trace file>:
ORA-12751: cpu time or run time policy violation
Looking in the <mmon trace file>, ORA-12751 error can be seen with text "Runtime exceeded <N> seconds". Like below:
----- START DDE Action: 'ORA_12751_DUMP' (Sync) -----
Runtime exceeded 300 seconds
(If the mmon trace file shows different information other than "runtime exceeded seconds", it is not the case in this KBA.)
- Oracle database 11.2
- Oracle database 12c
- Oracle database 19c
ORA-12751, cpu time or run time policy violation, m001, mmon, runtime exceeded, oracle, ORA_12751_DUMP, start DDE action , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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