Following symptom is an example - but the limitation is true for any picklist field configuration.
Example scenario:
We have configured a picklist on the Relationship field in Emergency Contact Information, which uses the field "country-of-company" field in Job information as the parent. The Child picklist is not filtered by country.
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
The cause could be due to 2 reasons (configuration issues)
- The Parent field ( for example) is not in the same hris-element as the child (emergencyContactPrimary.relationship);
- The Parent field is not coming before the Child field in the configuration/XML;
- The Country of Company is not set as visible in the UI.
1) Parent in different element
The "country-of-company" parent field (in jobInfo element) is not in the same hris-element as the "relationship" child field (in emergencyContactPrimary element).
- Both fields must be configured in the same hris-element for Parent/Child Picklist configurations to work.
2) Parent is after Child in configuration
The Parent/Child picklist fields should be ordered as such so that the Parent field is always above the Child field (in XML or in BCUI) for the filtering to work (Parent must come first in field order).
3) Field Country of Company is not visible
The Country of Company is a transient field and is hard-coded to propagate based on Legal entity value, so it needs to be visible in order to work as the parent picklist.
See Also
For Job Information element please refer to KBA 2473795 - Job Information: Child picklist field displays "No Data" when Parent field is country-of-company - as there are extra requirements in the configuration
emergencyContactPrimary child picklist, filter not working, employee central,cascade,country-of-company,Parent,job information, no selection , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-JOB-PKL , Picklists , LOD-SF-EC-BCI , Manage Business Configuration (BCUI) & Data Models (XML) , Problem