- The logical port creation in transaction SOAMANAGER ends with the error "Exception occurred in library handler".
- The report RSSIDL_DESERIALIZE_DEMO or the "WSDL Analyzer" in SOAMANAGER throws the following fault message: Incorrect value: Schema w/o target namespace must not contain any subelements, except xsd:import/xsd:include/xsd:annotation.
- ABAP Web Services
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
targetNamespace, incorrect value, schema w/o target namespace, sub element, exception occurred in library handler, logical port, logical port creation, wrong WSDL, error in wsdl parsing: exception occurred in library handler, schema element, targetNamespace=", Webservice, Web Service, Webservices, Web Services, ESI, ESI_GDPR , KBA , BC-ESI-WS-ABA-CFG , WebServices ABAP Configuration , BC-ESI-WS-ABA , Web Service and SOAP - ABAP , BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT , WebServices ABAP Runtime , BC-DWB-WS-ABA , Web Service Tools - ABAP , Problem
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