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2479134 - Netweaver does not come up with ThSetEnqName: 2 enqueue server active


  • The SAP system does not start with the following error in dispatcher trace (dev_disp):

*** DpRqNoWpHandle: SHUTDOWN request from W<WORK PROCESS NUMBER> received (reason=DP_SHUTDOWN_UNKNOWN_REASON) ***
  • Checking the Work Process trace file (dev_w<WORK PROCESS NUMBER>) the following error trigger the shutdown:
M *** WARNING => ThSetEnqName: 2 enqueue server active [thEnqueue.c 811]
M {root-id=00155DC938741ED79092DD4C5A71E0D7}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M *** ERROR => ThSetEnqName: enq server already activ, shutdown server [thEnqueue.c 928]
M ***LOG R1P=> ThSetEnqName, bad enq configuration () [thEnqueue.c 932]
M *** WARNING => PfAdmReset: resetting ad opcode 40 [pfxxstat.c 21705]



SAP Netweaver system with classical CI where enqueue runs in Work Process (enque/process_location = OPTIMIZE)


SAP NetWeaver all versions


ENQ dev_ms Message Server enqueue , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , Problem

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