When you try to launch SUM tool in browser, following error is displayed,
"Internal Server ErrorOperation [id=80C16E07F9041ED78F928E2B548FAAA1] terminated with errors : 127 () "
Below trace can be found in sapstartsrv log:
[Thr 52756] Mon May 22 22:21:21 2017
[Thr 52756] *** WARNING => Unable to resolve hostname for address [ITSAMProvide 944]
[Thr 52756] *** ERROR => soap_check_permission authentication: ( , ExecuteOperation ) FAILED [DefaultOpera 163]
[Thr 52756] *** ERROR => Webmethod ExecuteOperation ( versioninfo ) failed: Unauthorized: User authentication required [saphostcontr 1352]
[Thr 45900] Mon May 22 22:21:22 2017
[Thr 45900] *** ERROR => Failed to start command C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\sapdbctrl.exe [OperationCom 620]
[Thr 45900] *** ERROR => OperationCommand::Execute(): StartCommand failed [OperationCom 200]
[Thr 45900] *** ERROR => Operation::ExecuteNextCommand(): Execution of command ListDatabases failed
with errorcode -1 [Operation.cp 357]
[Thr 45900] *** ERROR => Operation [id=80C16E07F9041ED78FDD253A83930AA1]: Command execution failed [Operation.cp 450]
[Thr 45900] *** ERROR => Webmethod ListDatabases failed: Command execution failed. [saphostcontr 1829]
[Thr 49132] Mon May 22 22:21:50 2017
[Thr 49132] HTTPHandlerManager : HTTP Handler found for /lmsl/sumabap/<SID>/doc/sluigui/
[Thr 49132] *** ERROR => soap_check_permission authentication: ( , ExecutOperation ) FAILED [DefaultOpera 163]
[Thr 30308] Mon May 22 22:21:58 2017
[Thr 30308] Updating instance list: Mon May 22 22:21:58 2017
[Thr 30308]
Also you can see in 'task manager' under services that the 'SAPHostExec' is running under different user than 'LocalSystem'
Windows NT
For Unix based environment, refer KBA 2532976
Internal Server ErrorOperation, Upgrade,SUM URL, soap_check_permission, authentication,sapstartsrv,hostagent,Webmethod,OperationCom 620
, KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-CCM-HAG , Host Agent , Problem
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