You're trying to execute the backup procedure and the following problem is shown:
*** DBA Action starts:Timestamp: 20170515174939 Function: sda Object: DATA*** SAVE/RESTORE request:SAVE DATA QUICK TO 'SAPTEST' FILE PACKED BLOCKSIZE 8 NO CHECKPOINT MEDIANAME 'COM'*** SAVE/RESTORE request accepted:OK
*** SAVE/RESTORE result:ERR-24988,ERR_SQL: SQL error-104,DBM command impossible at this timeCould not enter critical state 'Backup'.
*** SAVE/RESTORE request:SAVE DATA CANCEL*** SAVE/RESTORE request accepted:OK
*** SAVE/RESTORE result:ERR-24988,ERR_SQL: SQL error-104,DBM command impossible at this time
- SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver;
- SAP MaxDB/liveCache 7.7 and higher;
SQL error-104, ERR-24988, backup, DBM command impossible at this time, Could not enter critical state Backup, -104, -24988 , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , Problem
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