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2481229 - The Replication Server is reporting error #6023


The Replication Server is reporting error #6023 and requesting to read a block in a nonexisting segment.

Replication Server Errorlog:

E. 2017/01/23 04:11:02. ERROR #6023 DSI(1344 SYBDEV.ASEDB) - qm/sqmio.c(538)
Request to read a block in a nonexisting segment was made for queue '126:1', segment 1896717, block 1.
I. 2017/01/23 04:11:02. The DSI thread for database 'SYBDEV.ASEDB' is shutdown.



SAP Replication Server Enterprise 15.7.1


SAP Replication Server 15.7


#6023, 6023, sqmio.c, nonexisting segment, purge queue, stable queue, q_type, q_number , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem

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