After uploading content on iContent storage space, We are unable to access the uploaded content using Direct link or any other means of access other than ITEM in the system.
Learning Management System
Successfactors Learning Management System
Successfactors LMS
Reproducing the Issue
Using SFTP URL we upload the content and try to access using the URL Prefix and uploaded path in the system.
While we provision iContent services we do enable Entitlement functionality which will create a secure connectivity between your LMS Instance and your Content loaded on iContent SFTP while users launch the content. Without with the users will not be able to access/launch the content.
Due to security reasons we will not be able to access any content directly in the system. This is working as per the system design.
Unentitlement services Entitlement services iContent entitlement services , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , Problem