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2483463 - CTLibrary connection errors being reported in both SAP IQ and repserver.


When running replication with 60 connections from 2 repservers and all connections are active the connection to repserver DSI goes down with the following errors”

In repserver:

ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(165(1) SERVER.DATABASE) - /generic/useful/cm.c(5329)
        Message from server: Message: -102, State 0, Severity 21 -- 'SQL Anywhere Error -102: Database server connection limit exceeded'.
ERROR #1027 DSI EXEC(165(1) SERVER.DATABASE) - /generic/useful/cm.c(5329)
        Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 67175468, Severity 4 -- 'ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.'.
ERROR #13045 DSI EXEC(165(1) SERVER.DATABASE) - /generic/useful/cm.c(5333)
Failed to connect to server 'SERVER' as user 'GPS14t'. See CT-Lib and/or server error messages for more information.
The DSI thread for database 'SERVER.DATABASE' is shutdown.

In IQ:

Exception Thrown from hqmlib/hqm_con.cxx:199, Err# 1, tid 13 origtid 13
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 8192 (hqm_exception); SQLCode: -1003002, SQLState: 'QHA02', Severity: 14
0000000057 [20174]: CtLibrary Error: 6, Severity: 0, Origin: 1, Layer: 1
Error Message: ct_connect(): user api layer: external error: The maximum number of connections have already been opened.
OS Error: 0, OS Message: .
-- (hqmlib/hqm_con.cxx 199)
0000000042 PostRbck




  • SAP IQ
  • SAP Repserver 


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; Sybase SDK 12.5 ; Sybase SDK 15.0 ; Sybase SDK 15.5 ; Sybase SDK 15.7


KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To

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