SRM DataSource (0BBP_TD_SC_1, 0BBP_TD_CONTR_2, 0SRM_TD_PO, 0BBP_TD_BID_1, 0SRM_TD_PO_ACC, 0SRM_TD_IV, 0BBP_TD_QUOT_1, 0BBP_TD_PO_1, 0SRM_TD_CF etc.) delta extraction not working properly:
- SRM business object (SC, PO, Contract, Invoice, RFX, RFX Response, etc.) related data (value, price, data, vendor, approver, etc.) not extracted or updated wrongly,
- header or item fields not extracted or not updated,
- SRM documents are not selected or deleted.
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management 2005 = SAP Supplier Relationship Management 5.0
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 on SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
EBP, deltaload, table bbp_pdigp, line item not extracted, missing data, item level data not captured, CONF_IND, IR_IND, wrong status extracted, SC header description, record mode D, preferred vendor, customer fields not extracted, base unit, base unit of measurement value, schedule lines, final entry, Contract Release Value, CALL_OF_VAL_HDR, wrong item subtype, header release value, quotation item not extracted, wrong invoicing party, datasource, data source , KBA , SRM-BW , SRM Analytics , Problem
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