After upgrading the system from EHP7 to EHP8 dumps occur with the message 'Inconsistency between the DDIC types "IEV_EANL" and "V_EANL"'.
Furthermore the error analysis shows:
"Type "V_EANL" is used to define type "IEV_EANL". According to the dictionary description of type "IEV_EANL" the data type should be "V_EANL" 546 bytes long. According to the dictionary description of type "V_EANL" is 644 bytes long however."
Industry Solution: Utilities.
IEV_EGER, FPL9, IEV_EANL, V_EANL, DDIC_TYPES_INCONSISTENT, dump, DDIC_TYPES_INCONSISTENT, Kurzdump , KBA , IS-U , Utilities , IS-U-MD , Master Data , IS-U-WA , Waste Management , IS-U-DM , Device Management , How To
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